Virtual visits

How will Santa’s visit go this year?

Due to the pandemic, Santa’s visits will be virtual this year. Technology will come to the aid of the Northern Kingdom by offering a meet and greet with your child via the internet. Zoom, Google Meet, Facetime, Skype or Messenger are the communication channels that Santa Claus will use to communicate with your child.

During the virtual conversation, Santa Claus will discuss the child’s Christmas wishes. This often leads children to open up about their joys, their sorrows and their anxieties. The role of Santa Claus will be limited to listening to the child, so that the latter feels listened to, understood and loved.

At each meeting, Santa Claus will make a point of mentioning to the child that he is on the right list … Or the list of good guys if you prefer.

Santa will keep the conversation positive at all times, especially in these pandemic times that we are currently going through. We are aware that the events of the past few months are causing increased stress and anxiety in children. We just want to reassure them and give them a moment of hope.

The classic question will obviously be addressed, namely what he wants for Christmas.

Arrangements can be made in advance so that parents, if they wish, can drop off a gift at a specific place in the house and, in collusion with Santa Claus, unveil (during the conversation) to the child, that Santa Claus left a present for him.

Information required

  1. Name and age of the child (s) if there are more than one child it would be best to send an email with a photo and the name of each child. (the email will be deleted after the conversation).
  2. Information about one or two important events that have happened in the child’s life during the past 3 months. This will help stimulate conversation with the child and, let’s be honest, the magic of Christmas. The child will be more stunned when he realizes that Santa Claus knows everything.
  3. The location where the gift (s) will be placed, if applicable.
  4. If the child or children go to school or if it is virtual.
  5. Whether they have an Elf on the Shelf and the Elf’s name as well as the turns the Elf plays or if it just moves around.